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Location: mumbai, maharashtra, India

your body is the instrument where yon can creat your own music of peace.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

photo workshop with kids

6th november2005 is a very special date for me and all of us.
not only it is the birthday of my little daughter Sanchi, but this day we began a mission of the
life time- sharing our understanding of the world to the future generation- through photography.

as in any work we all need time , money, effort, dedication, passion to keep going.
and i wish to thank you for giving the time and effort for it so let us keep going.
learning and sharing the knowledge.

Sounder, Atul, Neeraj, Sudharak, Mamata, Santosh...& Ravi shekhar...

the workshop began at 10 am in the morning.
Sounder started it with playfullness. we all started plaing differnt games with him and this made kids
much relaxed. the kids who came for the workshop were 11- to 15 years of age. Sounder started working to destroy the gender barriers and soon kids were playing comfortably. then Sounder started the memory game so we can learn the names of each other.
as per time table Sounder gave the charge to Ravi and left.
we all sat in the conference room of the patrkar sangh and Ravi took the seat.
Ravi started the talk in a question -answer form so that the kids were comfortable and involve in the process. he talked about the process of being alert and aware. he also talked about the simple process of breathing to collect the attaintation.
It is a importance of alertness makes a person a better photographer.
technical part of the photography is much simple, he said, but it takes years to cultivate the personal visual language. with growth of digital photography, with mastering the seeing it self can make you a master photographer.

later, Atul Loke, the staff photographer of the weekly magazine- OUTLOOK showed them his pictures
of Sunami and Mumbai Chawl project.
at first, children saw the Sunami pictures and were shocked with the images of dead bodies. then Atul shared his journey of NAPATTANAM village. there he spend two days walk around for two days just on biscuits and water. witnessing human tragdey. After knowing the story behind the images the kids
started relating with the images in a differnt way.
the next photo presentation by Atul was his ongoing project of the Mumbai chawl where he was born and stayed till he got married. his parents are still staying there. All the participants were used to stay
in chawl near Mumbai central. they were enjoying the images they could relate with them easily.

Neearj Priydarsi, the photo editor of the Indian express, has bought the off beat images of the daily life.
boxing, monkey playing with puppy, Amitabh Bachhan, Abhisek Bachhan, Arun Gavali images thrilled them as they could talked to the person who has the opprtunity to meet these people and click them in person.
after the lunch break Ravi started talking on the image and imagination.
he conduted a small session of guided imagination meditation and kids could enjoy the process.
the came the process of training them for the shoot.
agfa has given disposable cameras so that kids can go shoot on there own. Atul, Sudharak, Neeraj and Ravi guided about how to hold camera. each child took the camera in hand and strted looking through viewfinder. afterwards the venue of the workshop was shifted to the outdoor, where the lighting conditions were better for the small box cameras.these photographers started clicking photos to understand the working of the equipment.
then we all went back to room. Mamata distributed the camera. each one of the participents were delighted with the days experience. we sat in a group and the participents were encouraged to share there feelings.
this was a happening day for all of us.


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